

Field work management software


Custom software to manage the work of the company installing fiber optic connections, carrying out ground works.

It consists of:

  • the web part: an administration panel for managing users, employees, teams, projects, house connections, earthworks and other works, damages, problems, orders, services;
  • the mobile part: Android and iOS mobile applications for foremen to view projects, employees, previous work, register new house connections, earthworks, damages, problems, orders, services.


We hereby confirm that YarMobile Jarosław Pietras has developed for us dedicated software for managing the work of the company installing fibre optic connections, carrying out earthworks, consisting of a web part (administration panel) and a mobile part (mobile applications for Android and iOS). We evaluate the cooperation very well. All requests were taken into account in the application. The panel and the app are working very well.
Szymon Jasiński
SzymTech Szymon Jasiński

Administration panel


  • users,
  • employees,
  • teams,
  • projects,
  • house connections,
  • earthworks and other works,
  • damages,
  • problems,
  • orders,
  • services
Screenshot_20250117-131210 — kopia

A mobile app for foremen

  • viewing projects,
  • viewing employees,
  • viewing previous work,
  • registering new house connections,
  • registering new earthworks,
  • registering new damages,
  • registering new problems,
  • registering new orders,
  • registering new services.


Click one of the screenshots to zoom in

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